Dear IEEE WIE Tunisia Student Affinity Group Chairs,
It is a great pleasure to announce the IEEE WIE Tunisia Best Photo Contest organized by IEEE WIE Tunisia Affinity Group. The competition aims to encourage WIE members to organize and attend IEEE Day events.
Eligibilty: This competition is eligible to IEEE WIE Tunisia Student Affinity Groups (SAGs).
How to Enter: Entrants must submit a photo (the “Entry”) shwoing WIE members during the IEEE Day celebrations.
Entries must:
· Be original (no edits, no photoshopped entries, no logo added, etc.);
· Include IEEE WIE members;
· Display the IEEE Day 2017 logo or IEEE Day 2017 T-shirt in the Entry. Editing the IEEE Day logo into the Entry will be result in disqualification;
· Entrant may only submit up to 3 photos.
· Be submitted in either .jpg or .png file formats and not exceed 1 GB per entry.
· Be sent to <[email protected]> with email subject “IEEE WIE Tunisia Best Photo Contest”. The email must include the name and email address of the submitter (who must be a member of the WIE SAG Executvie Committee), name of the WIE SAG, name and date of the event;
Entry Period: The contest submission period begins on Sunday 1 October 2017 00:00 UTC and end on Tuesday 17 October, 2017 11:59 PM UTC. Entries received before or after the entry period are void.
Notification of Winner: The IEEE WIE Tunisia AG Executive Committee members will review the submissions. The Winner will be notified by e-mail on November 01, 2017.
Award: 30$ for the WIE SAG students activities.
Good luck!
Winner: IEEE ENETCOM WIE Student Affinity Group.